Kiritec ApS is a private company, established in 1999.
We market and distribute innovative and highly technological products and equipment to Health Sector, primary in Denmark, and in Norway as well.
Our mission is to offer highly professional knowledge to our cutomers, and to secure products, that are at high level of standard, according to quality and security. We work in accordance with European Good Distribution Practise.
Our values in our daily work, is to give our customers high level of responsibility, reliability and engagement, and we believe that knowledge is power. That is why we constantly develope by education, for ourselves, and in our approach to customers; we offer to support our customers in using and understanding the concepts of our products.
Just as well, our dedicated goal is to give customers: Fast - Polite - and Humorous respons
Four times, we were nominated as "Gazelle Company" by a danish Business Media Boersen, for fast economic growth; in 2004, 2005, 2007 and 2008.
We support charity organisations as "Medicins Sans Frontier" and the danish Cancer Research Organisation.